Press releases
Development Champions Forum Communique on the Yemen High-Level Pledging Event

The Development Champions Forum (DCF) has followed closely the convening and outcome of the Donor Conference for humanitarian needs, held virtually on 1st March 2021 and hosted by the United Nations and the governments of Sweden and Switzerland.
The world’s worst humanitarian crisis continues to put the lives of millions of Yemenis at risk. The DCF recognizes this “man-made” crisis is a result of the ongoing conflict and its impact on livelihoods in Yemen. The DCF continues its firm belief that a sustainable peace agreement to bring an end to the war in Yemen is the only viable way to address the humanitarian crisis and put Yemen’s economy on the road to recovery.
Until peace is achieved, we welcome and appreciate the pledges made by Yemen’s regional and international partners. However, we share the disappointment of the UN Secretary General at the total amount pledged (US$1.67B), which represents less than 50% of the announced needs.
Considering the lower-than-expected number of pledges, the DCF believes that it is even more important to ensure better targeting and higher efficiency to increase impact.
Also, it is most critical to ensure the highest level of transparency in aid disbursement and operations and remove all obstacles and interference that impede humanitarian aid operations. Public perception and confidence towards humanitarian efforts must be improved and elevated.
In addition to humanitarian aid, the DCF recommends and urges that resources and efforts of Yemen’s authorities together with regional and international partners should be directed at the following:
- Enhancing local food production and job creation by improving productivity through resolving bottlenecks in energy, transport, and governance. The DCF will soon publish a detailed paper on improving local productivity and the local economic environment.
- While food handouts are appreciated and necessary, more efforts are needed towards sustainability and longer-term impact. More involvement of the local private sector may provide a channel for efficiency and longer-term development.
- Supporting access to finance for farmers and fishermen to create jobs particularly among youth and women, enhance production, and address food security challenges.
- Addressing fuel and energy shortages through financing of renewable energy projects in agriculture and fisheries infrastructure.
The DCF hopes that the efforts to end the war in Yemen will remain high on the agendas of the United Nations and other international and regional actors. The Development Champions express their hope that the momentum generated by the recent efforts will be maintained towards ending the suffering of Yemeni people.
Development Champions Forum
Who We Are
The Development Champions are a group of Yemeni experts with broad expertise and knowledge in economic and social development.
A recovered, stable, and prosperous Yemen that is able to employ its resources in sustainable economic and social development.
Achieving fair and sustainable economic and social development through engaging and promoting experienced and knowledgeable Yemeni voices to put forth visions, plans, and recommendations.
- Presenting and suggesting solutions and recommendations for economic and social development issues.
- Pursuingconsensusonkeyurgentandlong-termissuesandpoliciesrelated to comprehensive development through engaging stakeholders, including policymakers and the different social groups, especially women and youth, in the discourse and exchange of information and expertise on development and good governance issues.
- Presenting visions and solutions for local development issues and capacity building through case studies of local development experiences.
- Proposing suitable recommendations for reconstruction projects in Yemen with regard to administrative structures at the local and central levels, means of finance, and governance through in-depth studies of international and regional experiences in managing and financing reconstruction projects.
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