Development Champions Forums
The Fifth Development Champions Forum
April 26, 2019 - April 29, 2019 Amman, Jordan
Yemen’s Development Champions Forum concluded its fifth meeting on April 29 in Amman, Jordan. Over three days, the Development Champions discussed critical economic issues in Yemen, focusing on the situation of the private sector, removing obstacles to the return of Yemeni capital post-conflict, and priorities to restructure state finances.
The participants produced a set of recommendations for local and regional players, as well as international donors, on economic priorities during and after the war. They also discussed the vision and mission of the Forum for the upcoming period.
On the final day, the Development Champions met with representatives of diplomatic missions, UN agencies and international organizations working in Yemen, in addition to representatives of the Office of the UN Envoy to Yemen.
The Development Champions Forum is one of the pillars of the Rethinking Yemen’s Economy project, led by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, Deep Root Consultancy and the Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the East (CARPO), supported by the EU and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Yemen.